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Celebrating our partner: Interactive Strategies


March 14, 2024
Happy person blowing confetti in an outdoor setting.

Joining the Microsoft Advertising Partner Program comes with many benefits, including recognition for your hard work and achievements. The Microsoft Advertising Partner Celebration is a bi-annual event that highlights the exceptional and innovative work of our partners. This event is open to all enrolled Partner tier members worldwide and presents them with three awards. Participate in the next round of the Microsoft Advertising Partner Celebration from April 1 to 30, 2024.

This half, we received some remarkable nominations from our global partner community. We’re thrilled to announce the winners below!




November 2023 Winner

Awarded to the Partner that showed the most growth through revenue, new accounts, new industry verticals, and certifications in the previous 6-12 months.


Interactive Strategies
November 2023 Winner

Awarded to the Partner who championed diversity, equity, inclusion, and social good in their work environment, their client strategy, and/or their community outreach.


Ideo Force
November 2023 Winner

Awarded to the Partner who adopted a new feature or innovative strategy that delivered outstanding outcomes and value for their clients.

We had the opportunity to speak with Greg Jensen (Associate Director, Digital Advertising) at Interactive Strategies.

Headshots of people working at Interactive Strategies.

About Interactive Strategies

We were founded in 2000 by our President, Bruce Namerow. After many years in the digital space, Bruce saw a need for an agency that didn’t just specialize in discipline but approached digital marketing and web development in a holistic way.

Their mission and vision

  • Vision: We work with our client teams to deliver on the promise of digital to improve lives, build community, and create positive progress in the world.
  • Mission: We build relationships that empower people, teams, leaders, and brands to create and manage transformative digital work.

Success with Microsoft Advertising

One of our nonprofit clients that focuses on driving fundraising revenue through paid search saw substantial year-over-year (YOY) growth from its Microsoft Advertising campaigns in 2023.

Not only did these campaigns drive 22% more revenue from 18% more donations YoY, but they also produced the strongest return on investment (ROI) of any digital advertising tactic in this organization’s media mix—outpacing the ROI of Google Ads by a substantial margin.

Their growth journey

It’s no secret among digital marketers that Meta advertising has become more challenging over the past couple of years. It’s still one of the primary ways nonprofits reach new donors and how professional associations engage their target audiences, but many clients have refocused their strategies on paid search because it remains one of the only channels that allows us to meet target audiences where they are in the moment they’re looking to accomplish a relevant action, and that’s incredibly valuable.

Not only has Microsoft Advertising allowed us to diversify our clients’ paid search efforts so we’re not solely reliant on Google Ads performance, but it has also become one of our most efficient digital fundraising channels.

Tapping into new audiences that use Bing, Yahoo!, etc. ensures that we can capture as much donor growth for our nonprofit clients as possible. And for other clients that often focus on reaching professional audiences, leveraging unique targeting, like LinkedIn audiences, gives us greater opportunities to home in on relevant segments that we can’t directly bid on through any other search engine.

Making a difference

We work with some of the most recognizable national and international non-profits and associations and are honored to support their mission-driven work. Our partnerships take many forms, too. In some instances, we’re helping nonprofits build advertising and marketing strategies designed to generate donations they rely on to fund essential programs and projects. In others, we’re working with professional associations to build awareness or improve advocacy efforts.

Whether it’s Special Olympics promoting inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities, Rainforest Trust working to save millions of acres of threatened Amazon rainforest, MSI United States empowering women around the world by providing access to reproductive healthcare, the American Society of Clinical Oncology helping to disseminate vital cancer research, or any number of the exceptional organizations we partner with—each of our clients works tirelessly to make the world a better place. And being able to apply our unique skillsets in support of those missions is truly rewarding.

Not an enrolled partner? Don’t wait—enroll in the Microsoft Advertising Partner Program now!

Find more information at https://microsoftadvertising.com/msftadspartnercelebration or by reaching out to partnerwithmsftads@microsoft.com.