
Video Extensions: Stand out with eye-catching video ads

July 12, 2021

Eye-catching interactive video ads are one of the best ways to capture your customers. We’re excited to announce a new addition to our ad extensions family: Video Extensions, available for all advertisers globally. This is a unique opportunity only available on Microsoft Advertising. With Video Extensions, advertisers have the flexibility to combine video with other ad extensions. Additionally, as part of our integrated ad solution, videos you submit for Video Extensions are also included in the Video Library which can be used for Microsoft Audience Network Video Ad resources.

Product view of a Video Extension ad on mobile and PC.

This is a great way to provide enriching content to those searching for your offerings. Advertisers can set up an action link on the video overlay which will take users to your website or a specific page of choice where conversions occur:

Product view example of a Video Extension ad overlay.
The overlay leads to a conversion page:
Product view example of a Video Extension ad destination page after clicking the overlay.

Simple steps to quickly add Video Extensions to your campaign

Adding Video Extensions to your campaign is quick and easy! It takes just a few clicks — the information you’ll need to fill in is below:

  • Name: internal name for organizational/labeling purposes
  • Video source: URL or File
  • Thumbnail source: URL or File
  • Display Text: text to display beneath the video it is playing
  • Alternate Text: text to display in place of the video in case it doesn’t load
  • Action Text: text for the action button that is displayed beneath the video when it is playing
  • Action final URL: final URL for the action button on PC
  • Action mobile URL: Final URL for the action button on mobile (optional)
Product view of the Ad new Video Extension interface window.

The Ad new Video Extension interface window.

Key details about Video Extensions

  • Available in all Microsoft Advertising markets on PC. Mobile available in US only, will gradually rollout to international markets.
  • Video Extensions can be shown with other ad extensions, including sitelinks.
  • Clicks on Video Extensions will be charged the same cost-per-click (CPC) as clicks on the ad headline.
  • Video Extensions can be created via Microsoft Advertising online only.
  • Video Extension requirements:
    • Length: 6 to 120 seconds. These are hard limits. Videos outside of this range (e.g., 5 seconds or 121 seconds) won’t be accepted.
    • File formats: We recommend MPEG-2, MP4, or MOV. Most other formats are acceptable.
    • Aspect Ratio: In the range from 16:9 to 9:16 (e.g., 1:1 will be accepted).
    • Resolution: As high as possible. At least 720x720 recommended, at least 120x120 required.
    • Maximum file size: The file size for any uploaded video is capped at 10 GB. Nothing larger can be uploaded.

For more info and details, check out the Video Extensions help page.

Let us know your thoughts

We’re always ready to help you deliver your best results with Microsoft Advertising. For any questions or feedback, we encourage you to reach out to your Microsoft Advertising account manager or send us an email directly at advertising-feedback@microsoft.com. You can also ping us on Twitter or suggest a feature on the Microsoft Advertising Feature Suggestions Forum.


  • Vi Nguyen


    Vi Nguyen
  • Crystal Zheng


    Crystal Zheng
  • Bhuvesh Arora


    Bhuvesh Arora