
Reporting made easier with Microsoft Advertising

March 22, 2022
A man points at a computer screen while showing something to a woman standing next to him.

Not everyone has this feature yet. If you don't, don't worry—it's coming soon!

Reporting on your Microsoft Advertising success is about to get even easier and better. We’re releasing the biggest reporting update in our history. It’s faster, easier, and more intuitive. It’s part of our commitment to bring advertisers new ways to spend less time setting up and managing campaigns and more time engaging with customers.

This update was important to help you get the information you need to better understand your advertising performance and its impact on your business. Reporting and analytics are an essential component of a solid advertising strategy that enables you to make better decisions and plan for the future.

In short, great reporting is the heart and soul of great business and marketing decisions. ​With this release, we’re improving the Microsoft Advertising online reporting experience for advertisers across the board.

What the Microsoft Advertising reporting update includes

The newly updated reporting dashboard within Microsoft Advertising includes a series of changes to help you get reports 60% faster,1 new alternatives for previewing information, as well as formatting options and shortcuts to streamline your process.

Get to reporting faster

This is one of those tasks that must be done on a recurring basis. Often there’s a set structure and time in which they’re delivered, so being able to find and pull the information as quickly as possible is a major benefit. We’re happy to streamline this process for you to get to the reports. Additionally, we’re featuring new settings to make pulling the recurring ones even quicker.

Now you can select recently run reports directly from the drop-down menu and use default or customized reporting options.

Snapshot of the Microsoft Advertising reporting dashboard.

Preview your reports

Before, if you wanted to see them, you needed to download them first, and making changes wasn’t possible in that view. Now you can see real-time previews as you create and modify your columns and filters. We have also improved load times.

This upgrade will save you time and eliminate a few unnecessary steps. Review reports before downloading them or make changes and share from the platform without downloading.

Get reporting done faster

While there are many ready-made reports with dimensions built in, sometimes you have your own formatting and minor nuisances in how you’d like the information displayed. Now, we’re offering new capabilities around conditional formatting, inline edits, sharing, scheduling, saving, scope changes, and common shortcuts often used in Excel.

Accessing custom report landing page

  • Access all saved reports from Saved customized reports in the Reports menu.
  • View them in the Saved customized reports grid.
  • Filter the grid to quickly access reports.

Changes in accessing reports in Microsoft Advertising online

Once you’ve signed in to your Microsoft Advertising account, you’ll see new options to access reports from the global navigation. The drop-down menu will help you quickly access the latest through Recent reports. Or access all of them by expanding the default reports or custom reports options.

As digital marketing choices grow, understanding your ad performance is increasingly important. This latest update is one of many for Microsoft Advertising that helps you do that while saving time and increasing productivity, so you can spend more time innovating and less time on routine tasks.

This new reporting infrastructure is available in all markets and all languages.

[1] Microsoft Advertising internal data, 2022.
