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Universal Event Tracking

Track what your customers are doing after they click on your ad. Universal Event Tracking (UET) is a powerful tool that records what customers do on your website. By creating one UET tag and placing it across your website, Microsoft Advertising will collect data that allows you to track conversion goals and target audiences with remarketing lists.

Benefits of Universal Event Tracking

Maximize returns

This approach allows you to optimize the overall value obtained from the conversions you achieve. By incorporating Target Return on Ad Spend (tROAS), you have an extra level of control to ensure that you generate the maximum possible conversion value or revenue while maintaining an adequate return on your ad spend.

Maximize conversions

Focused on achieving the maximum number of conversions within the limits of your budget. By incorporating Target CPA (tCPA), you gain an extra level of control that allows you to optimize the number of conversions while keeping the cost per acquisition at a desired level.

Precise audience targeting

A technique that allows advertisers to reach a specific audience by using a combination of data and technology to deliver personalized messages to the right people. This can be achieved through various methods such as retargeting, contact targeting, and predictive targeting.

Key features for Universal Event Tracking

Audience targeting

Connect to the customers that matter most to you with Microsoft Advertising audience targeting tools.


See stronger engagement and returns by focusing your marketing on the customers most likely to convert.

Start using Universal Event Tracking

Track what your customers are doing after they click on your ad.