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Case study

How ixigo generated a remarkable 44% total conversions with Microsoft’s Dynamic Search Ads

April 01, 2024
Person holding a phone while traveling on a train.

The goal​

​​India has the world’s fourth‑largest railway network, covering over 67,000 km of track and more than 7,000 stations.

​Online travel startup ixigo has made its mission to simplify the process of booking train tickets and provide a smooth and hassle‑free experience for travelers.

​To stay ahead of the competition and grow its customer base, ixigo partnered with Microsoft Advertising and InMobi to scale up its Search Ads campaign.​

​​The solution​

​​Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs) was a key solution for ixigo’s search campaign, as the brand faced the challenge of having millions of possible combinations of search terms related to railway travel.

​Since Search is a key channel for capturing customer intent, ixigo ran targeted campaigns on Bing to capture high-intent users who are likely to complete their booking. This campaign showcased the effectiveness of Dynamic Search Ads, helping ixigo and its customers reach their goals.​

Our collaboration with Microsoft Advertising and InMobi exceeded expectations. We were amazed by the high volume of Bing's high‑intent users seeking travel options. DSAs efficiently leveraged this, helped us scale up, and delivered remarkable results.

— Manan Bajoria, VP - Growth Marketing at ixigo

​​​The results​

​​Microsoft Advertising (MSA) Credit cards ads bring ad strategies to life. Orange Bank’s conversion rate was 0.7 point higher than on search. Plus, specific to search engine advertising, the Cost Per Lead (CPL) was almost 2 times lower than the CPL on search and 3 times lower than the overall CPL on MSA.

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