What's an online advertising campaign?
To put it into simple terms, an online advertising campaign is a digital advertising plan that you create for your business. How you want to go about with your advertising plan is up to you. Some things that can go in your online advertising campaign include budgets, goals, and timelines for your plans. While running an advertising campaign may seem technical, you don’t need years of professional marketing experience to do it.
Why is it useful to have an online advertising campaign?
When it comes to targeting people with online advertising, the sky is truly the limit. Online advertising gives you much more control to target the right people and enables you to engage with your potential customers. It's also convenient to use online advertising techniques if you’re looking to expand your reach to global audiences. Your ads can reach millions of customers overseas and generate interest worldwide. Plus, online advertisements help businesses grow over time, are cost-effective, and can be managed easily. You can track how often people are engaging with your advertisements and make any quick fixes with your phone or laptop. Learn about more benefits of going digital with online advertising solutions from Microsoft Advertising.

How to set up an online advertising campaign for your small business
There’s no right or wrong way to set up an online advertising campaign, but there are a few beginning steps that may be helpful to take. Use the steps below to help kickstart your campaign, and refer to the help center for creating campaigns to find additional tips.
Step one: Identify campaign goals
The first thing you should establish when setting up your campaign is a list of goals. Some goals you can focus on are to get more customers, spread the word about your business, or increase revenue. Knowing what your campaign’s objectives are will determine why you’re running your campaign. If you need inspiration on what to base your campaign off of, you can find more advertising goals and solutions from Microsoft Advertising.
Step two: Set up a budget
Your ideas can only go as far as how much you’re willing to pay. Creating a budget for your campaign will help you know what you can afford. You can use the automated billing tool to help maximize your spending while focusing on your campaign goals.
Step three: Establish your target audience
Finding the right audiences to target will help you draw the right people to your small business. When targeting audiences, it’s important to know your current customer base and who’s most likely to interact with your ads. To make it easier to target audiences, use Microsoft Advertising’s audience targeting tools to connect with customers the way you want to.
Step four: Finding the right platforms for your ads
The internet is a big place, and there are many platforms for you to present your ads on. Popular platforms for online advertisements include social media platforms, websites, and search engines. You can also take a look at the Microsoft Audience Network to find unique audiences on traffic-heavy websites.
Keep track of your small business’s online advertising campaign with Microsoft Advertising
There’s a lot of different factors to manage in an online advertising campaign, and using the right tools to keep you organized can help. The following online advertising tools from Microsoft Advertising can help you manage your campaign easily:
Start an online advertising campaign for your small business with Microsoft Advertising
Running a good, organized online campaign will allow you to focus on your small business needs and help your company grow. You can learn more about maintaining the advertising side of your business with Microsoft Advertising for small businesses.
Get started with Microsoft Advertising today or visit our blog to learn about more advertising techniques to try.