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34 markets in the Middle East and Africa launch in third phase of global expansion

Bringing Microsoft Advertising to more than 130 markets globally
2022 has been filled with growth. In February, we firstly launched 29 markets in Europe and embarked on our maiden voyage into Africa. In May, we then launched 32 markets in Latin America and Asia Pacific, including Japan. Today, we’re thrilled to share with you that Microsoft Advertising is now available in 34 new markets across the Middle East and Africa, completing the third phase of our international expansion. We’ll do the math, but this means we’ve added nearly 100 markets to our global footprint this year alone! Altogether, advertisers can now use Microsoft Advertising to reach consumers in 131 markets and 35 languages.
Latest markets and languages
With this launch, you’ll now be able to start using Microsoft Advertising to reach consumers in:
Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guinea, Iraq, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Moldova, Namibia, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Réunion, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Tajikistan, Tanzania, The Gambia, Togo, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Zimbabwe
We’re also now supporting ads in Arabic, Hebrew, and Russian languages.
More markets; more opportunities
The 97 markets launched in 2022 bring an incremental 11.6 billion annual searches1 for you to reach consumers using the Microsoft Advertising platform. In Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), the new markets account for 12% of the total search volume in the region.1 In Latin America (LATAM), 15%.1 And in Asia Pacific (APAC), 48%.1 If you haven’t yet advertised in these markets, now may be a good time to try them out – and getting started can be fast and easy. If you’re already advertising in these places with other major platforms, there are import tools to save you time and effort getting Microsoft Advertising campaigns running.
Connecting you to customers wherever they are
The goal of our international expansion is to unlock more of Microsoft’s global search volume so, wherever they are, you can connect with your customers on our platform. From Algeria to Zimbabwe, we want to provide you with access to our unique audience, and solutions that are built to save you time, grow your business, and empower you to achieve more.
As part of the expansion, Microsoft Advertising has extended their partnership with InMobi—a leading provider of content, marketing, and monetization technologies—to lead the enterprise and strategic sales, account management, marketing, finance, collection, and billing in 74 countries across Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa.
“The extended partnership between Microsoft Advertising and InMobi will enable marketers to deliver a unified brand experience to customers by bringing together the best of search and native display platforms across both organizations,” said Rohit Dosi. “We are positioned uniquely to bring Microsoft Advertising to marketers in Southeast Asia, Middle East, and Africa through our deep appreciation of marketers’ needs, a keen understanding of the markets, and a customer-obsessed team.”
As this phase ends, another begins…the expansion story isn’t over! We look forward to sharing the next update later this year but, in the meantime, also look forward to having you join us for the journey. If you’re an existing client and want to start advertising in the newly-launched markets, speak with your account team or reach out. If you’re new to Microsoft Advertising and located outside Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, Turkey or Africa, sign up and get started today. For advertisers based in Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa, connect with our specialist team at InMobi to get started with Microsoft Advertising.
[1] Microsoft Advertising internal data, January 2021 - December 2021.